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Pop Culture Pandemic and Portraits    

A collection of your favourites from movies and TV. They can be displayed on the wall, on stands or as a FaceBook. Collect a grouping in miniature.


Portraits are sculpted in clay and reproduced in cold-cast bronze or vivid, colourful resin. 

Covids 3

20201 Covid Christmas Ornament: Hector the Protector

Mask Talisman: Hector the Protector

Mask Talisman: Hector the Protector

Covid-19 Sanitation Station: Hector the Protector

Covid-19 Sanitation Station: Hector the Protector


Stan Lee

Stan Lee

Doc Emmett Brown

Doc Emmett Brown





Han Solo

Han Solo

Luke Skywalker

Luke Skywalker

Princess Leia

Princess Leia

James T.Kirk

James T. Kirk

Mr. Spock

Mr. Spock


"You Rang"!" Lurch

Maggie Smith: The Dowager Violet Crawley

Mrs. Hughes


Cowardly Lion

Bronze portraits also available in vivid resin:
Blue, Green, Red, Violet, White
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